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RESPECT Marketing Terms and Conditions

Welcome to RESPECT marketing website, an online service designed and offered by RESPECT Marketing to small businesses. These Terms and conditions are intended to explain our obligations as a service provider and your obligations as a user. IT IS IMPARATIVE THAT YOUR READ THROUGH OUR TERMS AND CONDITIONS THOROUGHLY. 


Using our website, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms of Use without any modification or qualification. If you find yourself dissatisfied with our Terms and Conditions or practices of operating our services, we ask you to discontinue using RESPECT Marketing Services. If for any reason you are unable to meet all the conditions set forth in these Terms of Use, or if you breach any of the Terms of Use contained herein, your permission to use RESPECT Marketing or access any of RESPECT Marketing Services immediately lapses and you must destroy any work  including but not limited too MARKETING CAMPAIGNS, WEBSITE DEVELOPMENTS, AUDIO & VISUAL PRODUCTIONS, PHOTOGRAPHY, AND ANY MATERIAL DOWNLOADED, PRINTED, OR GIVEN TO YOU BY RESPECT MARKETING. RESPECT Marketing reserves the right to modify or change these Terms of Use at any time without giving prior notice. We shall, however, notify you of significant changes by posting an announcement on the Site. Your use of RESPECT Marketing is subject to the most current Terms of Use posted on the Site at such time.


Acceptance of these terms of use

Use of the Site is subject to the following Terms of Use. By navigating within the Site, or clicking on any object on the Site, you are agreeing to these Terms of Use. We reserve the right to update the Terms of Use at any time as the need arises without any notice to you.


Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes how RESPEECT (the “Site” or “we”) collects, uses, and discloses your Personal Information when you visit or Book a consultation from the Site.


Collecting Personal Information

When you visit the Site, we collect certain information about you in order to book your consultation. We may also collect additional information if you contact us through telephone or the website. In this Privacy Policy, we refer to any information that can uniquely identify an individual (including the information below) as “Personal Information”. See the list below for more information about what Personal Information we collect and why. 


Personal Information

  • Examples of Personal Information collected: Name, Email Address, and Phone Number.

  • Purpose of collection: To get to know you and your business, and the services that your are requesting.

  • Source of collection: Collected when you fill out contact form or fill out a form to book a consultation.

  • Disclosure for a business purpose: s



The Site is not intended for individuals under the age of 18. We do not intentionally collect Personal Information from children. If you are the parent or guardian and believe your child has provided us with Personal Information, please contact us via email or through our website contact form.


Sharing Personal Information

We share your Personal Information with service providers to help us provide our services and fulfill our contracts with you, as described above. For example:


Behavioral Advertising

We use your Personal Information to provide you with targeted advertisements or marketing communications we believe may be of interest to you. For example:



Using Personal Information

We use your personal Information to provide our services to you, which includes but not limited too MARKETING CAMPAIGNS, WEBSITE DEVELOPMENTS, AUDIO & VISUAL PRODUCTIONS, and PHOTOGRAPHY and to process  payments for services provided,


Pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), if you are a resident of the European Economic Area (“EEA”), we process your personal information under the following lawful bases:

  • Your consent;

  • The performance of the contract between you and the Site;

  • Compliance with our legal obligations;

  • To protect your vital interests;

  • To perform a task carried out in the public interest;

  • For our legitimate interests, which do not override your fundamental rights and freedoms.



When you Book a Consultation or fill out our contact form through the Site, we will retain your Personal Information for our records unless and until you ask us to erase this information.




 "Agreement" is the signed contract, agreement, change order, or other binding document that references these Terms and Conditions.

 "Client" means a party that Wishes to work with RESPECT Marketing.


Independent Contractor 

Client is engaging RESPECT Marketing as an independent contractor for the specific project outlined in the Agreement.



RESPECT Marketing does not warrant the number of sales per visitor that the Purchaser will make or the traffic or number of visitors that will visit Purchaser’s specified website. RESPECT Marketing expressly disclaims and excludes all express and implied representations and warranties, whether statutory or otherwise. The Parties agree that, except as may be expressly provided in this Agreement, neither has made or makes to the other any representations or warranties respecting the compensation that the other may expect to earn or receive pursuant to this Agreement, or otherwise. Search engine optimization inherently runs risks of algorithmic changes or manual optimization actions by search engines.



RESPECT Marketing liability for default or breach, including breach of any guarantee or warranty expressed within this Service Agreement, shall be limited to the lesser of (i) the amount actually paid to RESPECT Marketing by Purchaser under this Service Agreement or (ii) ten thousand dollars. RESPECT Marketing is not responsible for loss of income or projected loss of income for any reason, including, but not limited to, server failure, traffic variation, shipping cost variations, website unavailability, order decreases, search engine algorithm changes, manual optimization actions by search engines, keyword position decreases, data corruption, or data loss. Purchaser is responsible for, and RESPECT Marketing has no liability for, the content, products, services, trademarks and other aspects of the website that are related to Purchaser’s business, industry, and competitors.




 Client may cancel this agreement. RESPECT Marketing would only require a fifteen (15) day notice of cancellation before the new month campaign or service agreement. Full payment of any outstanding invoices are required at the termination of agreement/campaign. RESPECT Marketing reserves the right to cancel this agreement at any time. Upon payment for service/campaign, copyright to web copy, landing pages, design work, and created source code is transferred from RESPECT Marketing to the Client.


Payment of fees

Payments must be made promptly. Down payments are required to begin your project and ongoing services payment terms are due upon receipt. If an amount remains delinquent 60 days after its due date, an additional 5% penalty will be added for each month of delinquency. RESPECT Marketing also reserves the right to remove web pages and created work from viewing on the Internet until final payment is made. In case collection proves necessary, the Client agrees to pay all fees incurred by that process.



During the term of  any Agreement and for a period of three (3) years after the Termination Date of all Agreements with RESPECT Marketing, Client agrees to take no action which is intended, or would reasonably be expected, to harm RESPECT Marketing or its reputation or which would reasonably be expected to lead to unwanted or unfavorable publicity to Respect Marketing.



 Phone Calls 

When you are in contact with us by phone the call may be monitored or recorded for quality assurances purposes. Your continued participation in any telephone conversation serves as express consent to be monitored or recorded.


Future Services

 Future services performed for the Client as either hourly or quoted services will utilize all provisions of this Agreement unless a new Agreement is established. RESPECT Marketing agrees to continue to update and adjust search optimization services and plans in continued ongoing efforts to keep your website ranking as high as possible.



It is agreed that if Client violates the terms of this Agreement irreparable harm will occur, and money damages will be insufficient to compensate RESPECT Marketing. Therefore, RESPECT Marketing will be entitled to seek injunctive relief (i.e., a court order that requires Client to comply with any and all Agreements and these Terms and Conditions) to enforce the terms of the Agreement and these Terms and Conditions. The prevailing party shall have the right to collect from the other party its reasonable costs and necessary disbursements and attorneys' fees incurred in enforcing all Agreements and Terms and Conditions.


No Waiver of Rights. 

If one Party breaches these Terms and Conditions, then the failure of the other Party to enforce any rights under these Terms and Conditions shall not be deemed a waiver of any such rights. The rights and remedies of the parties, as set forth in these Terms and Conditions, are not exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.



By electronically signing, or physically signing, an Agreement, I attest that I have read, understand, and agree to these Terms and Conditions.























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